Documentary Exposes UK’s River Pollution

Paul Whitehouse uncovers how the UK’s river pollution is a chemical cocktail of untreated sewage, microplastics and human waste in a new BBC documentary.


Be Conscious Of Our Water Quality

We all need to be conscious about what we put down our drains and the water quality provided by our water providers.


Not one single waterway in England is free from pollution” this was the opening statement from the new BBC 2 documentary Paul Whitehouse our Troubled Rivers. The documentary highlighted the worrying reality that rivers are under threat by the very people who should be protecting them. 


Water companies across England and Wales are pumping untreated sewage, agricultural waste, and plastic into our waterways on a daily basis. The UK’s wastewater treatment system allows water companies to release untreated sewage into waterways if their sewage system is under stress. This should only be the case if we experience a high percentage of rainfall or in extreme circumstances. However, the documentary uncovered that in the particular sewage plant which was located next to the River Wharf in Ilkley, North Yorkshire, there have been over 13,000 hours of untreated Sewage discharged by Yorkshire Water in 2021.

River pollution image
River pollution


Ratings Of Yorkshire Water

In the same year, Yorkshire Water received an environmental rating of 2/4 stars and is 1 out of 6 water companies being investigated by Ofwat for their misconduct. But in 2022 Yorkshire Water made a record operating profit of £240 million.


When asked to address their actions Yorkshire Water said “We continue to invest in Ilkley and the surrounding area to make improvements on our network. Work has just begun to lay a new sewer in the town and we have also completed an update to riverdale water quality. Disinfection measures were in place throughout the bathing water season to improve water quality and our smart wastewater pilot in the town is now underway. Between 2020 and 2025 We’re investing almost £1 billion to improve the region’s rivers” Yorkshire Water 2023.


Our Water Quality Is Just Not Good Enough

Although this could be seen as a step in the right direction it’s ultimately too late as the damage has already been done. The UK’s groundwater is deteriorating at a rapid rate which is leading to our drinking water not being up to standard. Water companies have to treat water from different sources to make it safe to drink but unsafe elements are being missed.


Our bodies are made up of 80% water and the “clean” water taken from our taps is ultimately not as clean or as safe as it should be due to the lack of diligence from our water companies. The recent documentary highlights yet more shocking evidence that our drinking water is simply inadequate and this is something that Tapure as a company is trying to tackle.

The best way to ensure impurity-free water is to filter it as close to you consuming it as possible. Tapure filtration systems provide you with impurity-free water throughout your home. Invest now and get clean and filtered water in your home.


Health is Wealth!

Person washing vegetables with filtered water using Tapure tap
Tapure tap

Watch It Yourself

Click here to watch Paul Whitehouse our troubled rivers to see the shocking truth for yourself.

To find out more about the full range of Tapure filtered water products click here

or read our previous blog to find out the benefits of whole-house filtration.

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Purahouse whole house filtration


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